When Λ enters Experimentation
- Subject Η shows promising signs. They have been able to withstand first infusion without any side effects. Second infusion to come. Tank pressure has been increased to 8,000 kilopascals without subject showing signs of discomfort.
When Galen escapes
When Λ frees Sigma
Speaking with Δ, outside his cell
Sends you to quarters
help me out
Galen recording device track 1 (H’s escape)
Galen recording device track 2 (What to do with K)
Galen recording device track 3
- *Eureka! H has seemingly developed some mild form of telepathy, and telekinesis ability. They’re able to talk to me while outside of sedation periods, inside the tank. It is mostly pleading, and begging to be let out. My first experience with it was one of slight terror, immediately followed by excitement. I must tell Lysander. Heavy sedation is now required, unfortunately, as H tries to escape every time they awake. They can move the switches and latches on the controls, and tank. They’ve even... thrown... my chair at me. Quite amazing.
Additional note, even while sedated, H mumbles regarding Subject Λ, by their “real” name of course. I do not know their relationship, but will inquire with Λ when they wake, as it is the only reason I’ve kept them alive.*
Speaking with Δ, before escape pods
Emails, on Galen's computer
Notice of Deimos base disavowing
Private/Encrypted message from "Lysander"